I wish you all could have been there. She lets you know it's ok to be frustrated and sometimes at a loss while working with an Alzheimer's patient. It's ok to say "I need a timeout for myself." She also helps you understand that what your Alzheimer's client/patient/family member is doing ... isn't on purpose. They can't help themselves and she visually shows you why, through photos of brain scans. It's sad and amazing because when you actually see the disease's progression on the scans you can understand why the client/patient is the way they are and why they do the things they do. Please check out this LINK when you have a chance. It's titled Caring for Someone with Dementia ~ How Your Help Makes a Difference by: Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTAEducation Director, Eastern NC Chapter, Alzheimer’s Association
I'm not worthy to touch Teepa Snow with a gloved hand (she's my idol) but I will share her wonderful information with all of you.
She also has a couple DVD sets out. I've seen one set during an Alzheimer's Certification Course through Visiting Angels. It was fantastic. I sat there thinking to myself ... "my client does that. That's a great idea. I can't wait to try that approach. My client does that too. And that ... now I can see how to approach this situation better."
If you ever have a chance to attend one of her Seminars or Workshops please make every effort. You won't regret it.
***edited on 12/27/09 to add a couple of Teepa's YouTube videos:
Meet Teepa Snow
The Difference Between Forgetful and Alzheimer's
Ten Cue's For Caregivers
Aging Vision and Alzheimer's
As you watch these YouTube vids please be sure to check out the list on the right side for more from Teepa Snow!
Are you loving her too? She's awesome, isn't she?